MARPLE FEST November 30th
MARPLE CARNIVAL June 15th 2024

Setting up our stalls in Marple Memorial Park – Free craft activities for children

Later in the afternoon

THE GOOD FRIDAY WALK TO CROSS ON COBDEN EDGE March 29th . There were approximately 150 of us plus dogs. ( we didn’t do a head count this time!) We set off in sunny weather but just as we climbed up to the cross we had a heavy rain shower which produced a beautiful rainbow. Those already under the cross saw the shadow of the cross under the rainbow.
First stop at cross roads by club house
Final prayers under cross .
The sun was setting as we went back to Linnet Clough.
were beautiful. EASTER SUNDAY SUNRISE SERVICE About 30 made it up to Mellor Church for 6.30 am for the sunrise service and we were rewarded with the sun appearing over the hill just as we ere finishing. Primroses on graveyard were magnificent. Thank you to Mellor Church for hosting this and for the breakfast afterwards.

Advent 2023 Thank you to all who helped with or supported our various Churches Together activities in Marple and Marple Bridge leading up to Christmas. The carol singing choir with HawK Green Band outside Peacocks on Saturday December 16th. More carol singers behind me as I took the photo!

In perfect weather 164 people plus dogs walked from the Linnet Clough Carpark to the Cross on Cobden Edge stopping on the way for bible readings, prayers and hymns. We finished going down into the Quarry for the final readings and prayers.

PLAYTIME – A perfect theme for our stalls.
Thank you to all those who helped set up and supervise our stalls. It was lovely to see families enjoying the FREE games all through the day. Thankyou to those who helped us provide such a variety to suit all ages. We were lucky it didn’t rain so we had space on the grass around the gazebos. Thank you also to the ‘Prayer and Pamper’ ladies in our ‘Rest a while’ section – a prefect contrast to the activity of the games. A VERY BIG THANK YOU to all those wh0 STAYED ALL DAY

Back together again:
It was good to be together again after missing two years because of COVID. This year we were pleased to be joined by Councillor Adrian Nottingham, Mayor of Stockport, his wife, Di and Revd. Sam Corley, Bishop of Stockport. On a perfect warm sunny evening 118 people of all ages, plus dogs, walked together from Linnet Clough Scout camp. We stopped 5 times on the way to hear readings from the Gospel according to St John (see below) and to sing . The final reading was at the cross. Then we went down into the quarry for prayers led by Bishop Sam for those today experiencing the darkness of the tomb. After a final prayer and blessing we returned to our cars.
First reading near Mellor Golf Club

4th reading at the top of the hill

Final reading under the cross – with view from the top

Going down to the quarry for prayers and finally back at the carpark

Thankyou to the readers: Councillor Adrian Nottingham, Christine Lomax, Phil Le Sueur, Rev. Tracy Ward and Father Bill Fitzgerald, Chair of Churches Together, also Bishop Sam for the prayers. Thanks also to Peter Williams who each year provides us with the sound system and to his helpers carrying the pole with the loud speaker…Ruth Thompson and Chris Knight.
Readings WALK TO CROSS April 2022
The Easter Sunday Dawn service at Mellor Church (at 6.30 am!) was again well supported with breakfast afterwards in the Mellor Parich Centre

The beautiful garden at Chadkirk Chapel which has been a refuge for some of us during lockdown. Thank you to Karin Moore for the photos
Well done to everyone who decorated for VE Day !

Thank you to all of you who sent garden pictures for National Gardening Week.

Sarah, the Head Gardener’s weekly report from Lyme. Note the new path between the herbaceous borders. The former was devastated by the flood last year and was closed to the public as unsafe. Previous reports from Lyme below.