Our Churches



Please look at individual websites for times of regular worship services or contact the appropriate minister. The details below are of the children’s and social activities


Contact for both: Rev Jude Laycock 0161 427 2509 judith.laycock@methodist.org.uk

Marple Methodist Church http://www.marplemethodistchurch.org.uk/ The 3rd Sunday each month, 10.30 am, Seedlings children’s group. The Seed cafe is open  every Thursday  10 am – 1 pm  and Friday 2 – 5.30 pm. Every fortnight on a Thursday afternoon 2-4 pm, Lydia’s place, come and bring craft, learn something new, or just come and chat.

The Ridge Methodist Church https://marple.website/community/churches-and-religious-groups/ridge-methodist-church.html Every 2nd Sunday at 9.30am, Little fishes children’s group. Community book swap, open all the time, come and sit and relax, swap a book and enjoy the view

MARPLE QUAKER MEETING every Sunday at 10.30 am  in Marple Methodist church.  You can also join online.
contact 0161 339 6740

email: marplequakers@gmail.com


 Members of  The United Reformed Church in East Cheshire and the Derbyshire Borders https://ecdbmp.wordpress.com/

contacts:  Rev Alison Termie   atermie@yahoo.com                                                           Rev Jonnie Hill jonnie.hill@nwsynod.org.uk

MARPLE UNITED REFORMED CHURCH                                                                      Strictly Come Craft (our name for Messy Church). It is for children and their families. (Children must be accompanied by an adult.)  We meet about once a month on a Saturday from 4-6 pm ending with a meal. The next one is on Saturday 29th June. Each session is based on a Bible story or theme.  Join us for Craft activities,  Games,  Worship,  Drama, Food.         Future dates for 2024 are: 29th June,  21st September,  19th October,  16th November and  14th December   NB There will be no SCC in July or August      For more details contact: Jenny 0161 427 9456

Strictly Come Together  Wednesday Mornings at Marple URC 10.30 – 12.00       All are welcome for tea/coffee and a talk or activity

MARPLE BRIDGE UNITED REFORMED CHURCH                                                                 A Carers and Tots group called Monday Makers meets at the church every Monday morning (excluding Bank Holidays) during Stockport Primary Schools term times from 9.15-10.45 am. It is £2 per family per week which includes a hot drink for the carer. They have to bring drink and snacks for the children.   Parents/ carers are responsible for the care of their own children during the sessions and 3 volunteers from the church are there to make drinks , chat and organise the putting out and putting away of the toys, and also lead a very short singing session prior to finishing the session. Parents/ carers and children are encouraged to help with putting away of the toys at around 10.30am.  If children are brought to the session in a buggy, the back entrance is easier for buggy access and buggies are stored in the spare room behind the kitchen during the session.

ST MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH MARPLE BRIDGE https://stmarysmarplebridge.org.uk/ The Presbytery: 0161 427 2408  Email: mailto:stmarys.marplebridge@dioceseofnottingham.uk

HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH  MARPLE  http://www.holyspiritmarple.com/   The Presbytery: 0161 427 4922

The Children’s Liturgy takes place during the 9 am Mass on  Sunday mornings . The aim is to help the children understand the ‘Liturgy of the Word’,  and enjoy coming to church!  The children go out during the first part of the service for their own readings and activities. The Gospel is read in an adapted, simplified form and the children then have time to discuss the meaning of God’s word to them, then they work on activities aimed at helping them to understand the reading.

The Children’s Liturgy is aimed at a wide age range of children and we do our best to find activities at a suitable level. We aim to cater for three to ten year olds, although after making their First Holy Communion some children decide to stay in Church.  Babies / younger children are welcome to attend with an adult.     Older children, who have made their First Holy Communion, can help with the readings during the main service.                                                                Contact Louise Perry   07751 359358     lep.marple@gmail.com 


contact for both churches   0161 427 2378    office@allsaintsmarple.co.uk

ALL SAINTS   You are welcome to register at the door to attend any group.    Kids’ Church Sunday 10.15–11.30am 0-11yr olds (Bowyer Hall, during Church service, SK6 7LD)                                                                                                              Weekdays – Playgroups for parents, grandparents and carers to bring their children to play, chat and support each other:
Tuesday 9.45–11.30am (term time only) Playtime 0-4yrs attend with their carers (CONNECT Building, Queen St. Marple, SK6 6BQ ) –
Wednesday 1.15–3.00pm (term time only) Playaway 0-4yrs with carer (in the Bowyer Hall behind Church).
Friday 10–11.30am (term time only) Little Ark 0-4 yrs with carer (in the Lounge at the front of Church)

Welcome to AllYouth!
If you’re aged 11–18 this is the place for you. In our different groups and events we explore what it means to have faith (God stuff) and hope (life stuff) built on a foundation of love (friendship and community). Have a look below and come along. We’d love to meet you!
Sunday 10.15–11.30am Pathfinders @ The Loft, All Saints Church – Years 7–9:
Sunday 7.30–9pm (term time only) CYFA @ CONNECT – Years 10–13:
Wednesday & Thursday: Life Groups @ houses – Years 10–13:
For more information contact: Sarah Holton, Children and Families Worker, All Saints’ Church, Marple   SK6 7LD  07503 944905 kidschurch@allsaintsmarple.co.uk  


Contact for both : Father Timothy Hupfield  01663 764 946  or timothyhupfield@cantab.net     

St. Martin’s https://www.stmartins-lowmarple.co.uk/                                           Social activities:    A warm welcome awaits you at these activities in our Parish Hall                                                                                                                                                              Board Game Coffee Mornings 10-12 every term-time Wednesday    Contact: timothyhupfield@cantab.net                                                                                                Mothers Union Fellowship Group every 3rd Wednesday 2pm- 4       Contact: jmfairbanks@btinternet.com                                                                                                 Craft Activities on occasional Sunday afternoons    Contact via our website: www.stmartins-lowmarple.co.uk

St Paul’s  Compstall      https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/12885/       https://www.facebook.com/people/St-Pauls-Church-Compstall/100067469460504/                                                                                              Knit and Natter group   (Fridays, 10:30-12 in term time),                                     Messy church is starting at St Paul’s – first one on Sunday 30th June, 2-4 pm  (for more information: timothyhupfield@cantab.net / 01663 764 946)


   https://mellorchurch.org/ Contact  Rev. Andrew Tawn  Tel: 0161 604 4993
Email: revandrewtawn@gmail.com                                                                              Sunday morning service ( 10.am )  Vestry group for children’s activities for about half an hour.   Much of our young people’s’ work is through the choir. Membership of Mellor Church Choir is open to all, without any audition and is free of charge.  There is lots of information including FAQs for those interested on the website.  People who are interested in joining can contact Tom Howling ( the choir musical director ) though the website. www.mellorchuchchoir.co.uk for further details.   

In Mellor  Centre  Mondays Prayer group   10.30 am Coffee with the Vicar (2nd Monday of the month)  10.45 am                    Thursdays in term time  10 – 11.30 am  Mother and toddler group  and 10.30-12  Knit and Natter Group                 For more information about these please contact the parish office: 0161 484 5079