‘Celebrating our unity, respecting our differences, we witness the love of Christ and help people to follow Him’
Please look at individual churches for details of their services etc. as these are changing quite frequently at the moment. Links to the Churches to the Churches HERE
Find them on the map Here
Updated February 13th
Thank you to all of you who attended the United Service at St Mary’s Marple Bridge. We are pleased to welcome Joe Harvey as Chair of Our Churches Together . A copy of the service United service 2025
CHRISTIAN AID PLANT & CAKE SALE 10 May 2025 10.00 am – 12.30
At Marple Methodist Church, Church Lane SK6 7AW
It’s that time of year again; the annual Christian Aid Plant Sale is approaching. This is a general request to all gardeners and growers who may have extra bedding plants we could sell or herbaceous perennials that they could split and pot up for the sale to support Christian Aid. In fact, we would be grateful for any healthy, sturdy plants.
March 5th Everyone is invited to a service at St Martin’s Church at 7 pm
The service this year is at St Paul’s Compstall at 2 pm. It has been written by the women of the Cook Islands Poster 2025
WCC calls Trump to follow international law for just peace in Gaza
Photo: DSPR
World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev Prof Dr Jerry Pillay has described the proposal of US President Trump as “tantamount to proposing full-scale ethnic cleansing and neo-colonization of the homeland of the 2 million Palestinians of Gaza.”
Pillay noted that the proposal violates every applicable principle of international humanitarian and human rights law, flouts decades of efforts by the international community – including by the USA – for a just and sustainable peace for the peoples of the region, and would if implemented constitute multiple international crimes of the most serious kind.
“The standing of the United States of America as a responsible member of the international community has been gravely diminished by the proposal itself, not to speak of any actual implementation thereof,” Pillay said.
Read full statement here
Sad news: John Sutch died on January 14th 2025. He has over many years represented Jubilee Methodist Church at Churches Together meetings sharing the task with his wife, Karen. He was a keen gardener and used his knowledge and skill in the service of Christian Aid with the large amount of work he did both before and at the Plant Sale each May.
He also regularly Walked for the Wellspring and helped carrying the small cross on the Good Friday Walk to our big cross on Cobden Edge. He was a kind lovely man who will be much missed. Rest in Peace, John .
United Reformed Church LINK magazine Linkdecjan2025 Linkfeb2025
Picture: A displaced family in Gaza, preparing food with meagre rations to cook over a wood fire – August 2024. (Credit: Hosny Salah, via Pixabay).
Prayer is a vital part of your support for Embrace the Middle East, and we are so grateful to you for your solidarity with our Christian partners as they strive to help the most vulnerable members of their communities.
Political uncertainty, conflict, economic hardships, travel restrictions and many other challenges affect our partners’ work, but they always find a way to continue. Their faith and deep commitment to alleviating poverty, sickness and trauma are what keep them going in these difficult circumstances. It means a lot to them that you are praying for them and the communities they serve.
The latest prayer diary can downloaded Embrace_Prayer_Diary_Feb25_July25
“Prayer makes a difference” – a message from Lebanon
“We are so grateful, amazed, wonderful knowing that there are people like you who are praying for us – for the wellbeing of us and for us in this part of the world to be light and salt… whatever the Holy Spirit is prompting you to pray for us please do so as prayer makes a difference.”
These are the words of Serop Ohanian, General Manager of our partner the Karagheusian Health Centre in Beirut. He recorded this video message for you when Embrace staff visited Lebanon last week: https://embraceme.org/prayer-room-1/?
Saturday 21st December
CAROL SINGING WITH HAWK GREEN BAND IN MARKET STREET MARPLE 10.30 am—12 noon. The morning started well – dry and people collecting to sing carols
Later heavy rain caused people to disperse or go under cover and the band stopped playing and went home early!

Saturday November 30th

A big thank you to any one who helped in any way during the day. It was good to be present with the local community. See more pictures : here
United Reformed Church LINK magazine Linkdecjan2025

Please note
This is now running from 10.30 am – 2.30 pm

DROP IN SESSION EVERY MONDAY AT CONNECT IN QUEENS STREET Download as a poster for your church Help Connect
MEET FOR PRAYER EVERY WEDNESDAY 7 – 8 am at CONNECT . Everyone very welcome.
COFFEE MORNINGS AT ST MARTIN’S Every Wednesday during term time 10 am – 12 noon Everyone welcome Poster Coffee morning st martin’s (1)

The Seed Community Café at the Methodist Church in Marple is open:
Thursdays 10 am – 1 pm
Fridays 2.30 – 5 pm

The Pantry is a Marple food bank run by All Saints Church, providing basic provisions FREE of charge to anyone every Saturday 10am–12pm from CONNECT on Queen Street, Marple (opposite the Regent Cinema). If you are unable to come in person please contact the office on 0161 427 2378 or office@allsaintsmarple.co.uk.
They have a Worship Service each Saturday at 11 am

Al-Anon provides support for families and friends of alcoholics and problem drinkers who share their experience, strength, & hope in order to solve their common problems. During lockdown many groups have responded by moving their meetings online so that they can continue to provide the necessary support.
The 3 Al-Anon groups that usually meet at Marple Methodist Church are all active online and we would welcome newcomers. The easiest way of accessing our groups as a newcomer is via the Al-Anon website and contacting the helpline: https://www.al-anonuk.org.uk/
The website has lots of very useful information, including podcasts of members’ experience of living with alcoholism and I would encourage all your group members to take a look.
If you would like to attend a meeting to get further insight into how we work you would be very welcome to come to our online open meeting on the last Sunday of every month. Please contact Annette Area 10 PI Coordinator area10al-anonpi@hotmail.com for all the relevant online meeting login details.
HALLELUJAH beautifully played on pan pipes https://youtu.be/2U1ZCB7yreY
Laughing is infectious! Something to cheer you up.
Churches Together Secretary contact marian37et@gmail.com